Maisha Canada
Mentorship | Ideas | Life .
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”
Jok Alier Riak
Current city: Vancouver, BC.
Year arrived in Canada: 2018
School: University of British Columbia
Academic program: BCom, Management of Information Systems
Occupation: Technology Consultant/Professional Services
LinkedIn URL: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jok-riak-a1ba2217a/
Achan Deng Kudum
Current City: Montreal, Quebec
Year arrived in Canada: 2018
School: Concordia University
Academic program: Sociology and Anthropology
Lulu Yousif Karra
Current City: Toronto, Ontario
Year arrived in Canada: 2018
School: University of Toronto
Academic program(s): Major: Human Biology
Aluong Ayuen Jongkuch
Current city: Toronto, Ontario
Year arrived in Canada: 2018
School(s): University of Toronto St. George
Academic program(s): Mineral Engineering
Gattuoch Kuon
Current city: Montreal, Quebec
Year arrived in Canada: 2018
School(s): McGill University
Academic program(s): Computer Science(major) & Psychology (minor)
Current or target occupation/profession: Software Engineering/Cyber Security