
Current City: Vancouver, British Columbia

Year of arrival: 2018

School: University of British Columbia (UBC)

Academic Program: Mining Engineering 

Do you have any advice on choosing academic programs and careers for later success after school?

As a current student, I may not have the full grasp of what it takes to succeed after school. That being said, I cannot reiterate enough the need for incoming students to know the basic course requirements for their anticipated specializations and take them from the get-go. Whether you are in the faculty of your choice or desire to transfer, knowing and taking these courses will save you a lot of time.

While some, if not many, are often still figuring out what major to choose, I think that most of the times one knows the most likely faculty that houses most of his/her interests. These faculties require their students to take the same first year foundational courses, most of which have equivalents in other related departments. For instance, most Engineering courses have Science equivalents. If you desire to change faculties, make an effort to know the required courses for the faculty you would like to switch to and take their classes or the equivalents right away. At the same time, get in touch with academic advisors, both at the faculty and at the departmental level. Talk to your professors to obtain any insights you may not have considered and do not forgo the demands of your current faculty just in case your transfer is not successful.


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Nyuon Akoi Nyuon, P.Eng