Maisha Canada
Mentorship | Ideas | Life .
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”
Deng Ngang Deng
Current City: Kalgoorlie, Western Australia
Year arrived in Canada: 2008
School(s): University of Trinity College in the University of Toronto (BSc.), Laurentian University (MSc.)
Academic Programs: Honours BSc. in Geology Specialist, MSc. in Geology and Geophysics
Current Occupation: Professional Geoscientist, Managing Director at Target Mining Resources
Innocent Oketa
Current city: London, Ontario
Year arrived in Canada: 2004
School(s): Western University
Academic program(s): Geophysics, minor in Computer Science
Occupation/Profession: Network Engineer
Deng Aruei
Current city: Ottawa, Ontario
Year arrived in Canada: 2014
School(s): University of Saskatchewan
Academic program(s): Geology | Geomatics Minor
occupation/profession/Industry: Data Analyst | GIS Analyst
Zicky Achuoth Deng
Current city: Toronto, Ontario
Year arrived in Canada: 2014
School(s): University of Toronto
Academic program(s): Geophysics/Physics {Software Dev}
Occupation/profession: Lab Technician/Academic research Assistant
Majak Agau Majak, GIT.
Current city: Perth, Western Australia
Year arried in Canada: 2014
School(s): University of Toronto (HBSc.) & University of Waterloo (MSc.)
Academic program(s): Environmental Geoscience, U of T & Geochemistry (mine waste management), University of Waterloo.
Occupation: Junior Geologist, Monument Mining Limited
Daniel C. Yach
Current city: Mississauga, Ontario
Year arrived in Canada: 2015
School(s): University of Toronto
Academic program(s): Geology Specialist
Alfred Maluach
Current city: Ottawa, Ontario
Year arrived in Canada: 2011
School(s): University of Toronto (BSc, MSc), University of Ottawa (PhD).
Academic program(s): Pharmacology (BSc), Pharmacology & Toxicology (MSc), Molecular Neuroscience (PhD)
Occupation: Graduate Student