Maisha Canada
Mentorship | Ideas | Life .
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”
Nyandeng Makuol
Current city: Edmonton, Alberta
Year arrived in Canada: 2022
School: University of Alberta
Academic program: BSc. Food and Nutrition
Lomere Mori
Current city of residence: Edmonton, Alberta
Year arrived in Canada: Born and Raised
School(s): University of Alberta
Academic program(s): BSc. In Civil Engineering Cooperative Program (2014), MSc. In Structural Engineering (2016)
Current occupation/profession/Industry: Bridge/Structural Engineer
Olga Loggale
Current city: Edmonton, Alberta
Year arrived in Canada: 2002
School: University of Alberta, Bsc., DDS.
Academic program(s): Bsc., Biological Sciences, Psychology. Doctor of Dental Surgery, Dentistry.
McNiel-Inyani (Kuyuga) Keri
Current city: Calgary, Alberta
Year arrived in Canada: 2000
School(s): University of Alberta (BSc, MSc), University of Calgary (MD)
Academic Program(s): BSc. Electrical Computer & Electronics Engineering (Biomedical stream), MSc. Mechanical Engineering, MD (medical doctor).