Maisha Canada
Mentorship | Ideas | Life .
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”
Ajang Manyok
Current city: Toronto, Ontario
Year arrived in Canada: 2021
School: University of Toronto
Academic program: Economics with Data Analytics, Minors in Statistics and Mathematics.
William Lorot Raphael
Current city: Toronto, Ontario
Year arrived in Canada: 2016
School: Simon Fraser University, University of Toronto
Academic programs: Honours in Economics (SFU); Master of Financial Economics (U of T)
Current occupation: Investment Banking
Akuol Philip Kur
Current City: Toronto, Ontario
Year arrived in Canada: 2013
School: University of British Columbia (BCom), University of Toronto (MPP)
Academic Programs: BCom, Business Technology Management; MPP, Master of Public Policy
Occupation: Regional Lead Research Officer, Health Entrepreneurship
Kuir ë Garang
Current City: Toronto, Ontario
Year arrived in Canada: 2002
School: McGill University (BA), Athabasca University/University of Calgary (MA), York University (PhD).
Academic Programs: Philosophy (BA), Cultural Studies & Philosophy (MA), Social Justice (PhD)
Sabit Mayor
Current city: Toronto
Year Arrived in Canada: 2016
School: University of Toronto, UTSC
Academic Program(s): Economics and Public Policy
Jino Maduot
Current city: Toronto, Ontario
Year arrived in Canada: 2010
School(s): University of Waterloo & Queen’s University
Academic program(s): BSc. Health Studies & Master of Public Health (MPH)
Occupation/Profession: Public Health
Mabior Ater
Current City: Toronto, Ontario
Year arrived in Canada: Born & Raised
School(s): University of Toronto
Academic program(s): Mathematics and Statistics
Zicky Achuoth Deng
Current city: Toronto, Ontario
Year arrived in Canada: 2014
School(s): University of Toronto
Academic program(s): Geophysics/Physics {Software Dev}
Occupation/profession: Lab Technician/Academic research Assistant
Lulu Yousif Karra
Current City: Toronto, Ontario
Year arrived in Canada: 2018
School: University of Toronto
Academic program(s): Major: Human Biology
Aluong Agok
Current city: Toronto, Ontario
Year arrived in Canada: 2019
School(s): York University
Academic program(s): Biomedical Sciences