Maisha Canada

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Aluong Ayuen Jongkuch

•Current city of residence: Toronto, Ontario

•Year arrived in Canada: 2018

•School(s): University of Toronto St. George

•Academic program(s): Mineral Engineering

1. From your experience transitioning to Canadian life and culture, do you have any advice for new WUSC students?

I think the most important thing is not being afraid of having new experiences. Be ready to step out of your comfort zone.

 2. How can new students cope with loneliness and feeling out of place when they first arrive in Canada?

Loneliness will definitely come knocking on your door, but don’t be afraid to reach out to people especially during your first few months here. The few friends that you make can really go a long way. Also don’t give up looking for a community where you feel like you belong.

3. From your experience, what does it take to succeed in Canada?

Positive attitude. Firstly, there are so many opportunities here to succeed. You just have have to go out and get these opportunities yourself. Also have a good work ethic or being creating can take you a long way.

4. What challenges do you think hinder new students from succeeding in Canada?

Personally, the hardest thing I had to overcome was the difference in the weather. I really could not handle how cold it got during my first winter.

5. Seeing how credit scores are important, do you have any advice on managing money or a credit profile?

Before using that credit card, please understand this: first, it might seem as it you have easy money while in reality if you are not careful, you can dig yourself into a hole. Having a good credit score will definitely come in handy in the future if you are thinking of settling down in Canada. Especially when it comes down to getting a house, a car or even getting a loan from a bank.

6.  Do you have any ideas on how new students can manage expectations from friends and family back home?

Even though you may have people expecting things from your or even depending on you now that you are in the position you are in, understand and stick to your priorities. For most of you, school will be your first priority.

7. Were your aspirations met? What would you do differently if you were to start over again in Canada?

I came in with an open minded attitude. I believe that everyday is an opportunity to learn something new.